As you can see from his photos, Bob’s napping form is magnificent…
Especially after a little catnip infusion.
Bob’s Story is very sweet.
Bob has a beautiful adoption story. His mom was a stray who showed up at Cathy’s residence in Missouri, looking for some warmth and shelter. Upon seeing her, Cathy realized that this cat on her doorstep was pregnant. She quickly set up the spare room as a nursery to let the momma cat have her babies in a safe place. Shortly after that, on March 23rd, a healthy litter of four kittens was born. Bob has two sisters and a brother. His twin sister Sammi lives with him, and the other two kittens live with Cathy’s daughter. This feline family has been embraced and loved by Cathy and her family. That momma cat made a wise decision when she approached their house.
Bob is a real character.
Bob is a real character. He either sleeps on top of one of their cat towers or on the love seat. He has become very close to another one of the cats in the house, George. From the time they met, Bob began to follow George everywhere. At one point he even tried to nurse on him, which was quite a shock to George. I would have loved to see George’s face when that happened!
Professional Nappers do take time out to play.
Bob has a fascination with water. He especially likes to play with running water. Anytime they turn on the sink Bob comes running and tries to grab the stream of water with his paws.
Like all cats, he has a mind of his own. If you want to pick him up and hold him, Bob will growl and jump away. But, when he wants affection, he will rub against you and sit on your lap. The choice must always be his.
Cathy says he can be a little weird sometimes, but that just shows his unique personality. She loves him, just as she does all her fur babies. Thank you, Cathy, for sharing Bob’s story with us!